Neck Pain
Around 25% of the average chiropractic practice is seeing patients with neck pain.
Neck pain is a common form of spinal pain often caused or aggravated by by poor posture, trauma, arthritis and emotional or mental tension. Pain, aching and tension can come from muscles, joints, discs and pinched or irritated nerves or other soft tissues. Only rarely is neck pain caused by a more serious problem.
Chiropractic care for the neck can reduce pain and inflammation, increase range of movement, relax supportive muscles and restore normal neck functioning.
Chiropractic is the science and art of applied anatomy which means that chiropractors understand from their training where structures should be and how they should work. The process of retraining and rehabilitating these structures back to their normal function leads to a natural resolution of pain and symptoms.
Treatment involves a variety of techniques chosen according to a patient’s individual and age, body type, the presenting problems and their specific needs.
To discuss your neck pain, get treatment advice and arrange an appointment please contact one of our helpful receptionists today on 07 3801 5288 or make an enquiry here.
Research Quotes
“Chiropractic care improves symptoms in patients with neck pain, and was shown to influence brain pathways related to sympathetic nervous system relaxation and pain reduction. Patients in the treatment group also reported reductions in stress and improvements in quality of life.”
– Altern Ther Health Med, 2011
“…patients suffering from back and/or neck complaints experience chiropractic care as an effective means of resolving or ameliorating pain and functional impairments, thus reinforcing previous results showing the benefits of chiropractic treatment for back and neck pain.”
– Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Verhoef et al. (1997)
“Statistically significant decreases in neck pain, arm pain and NDI scores were noted at one and three months compared with baseline scores” for patients with cervical (neck) disc herniations (CDH)undergoing spinal manipulative therapy.”
“Most patients in this study, including sub acute/chronic patients, with symptomatic magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed CDH treated with spinal manipulative therapy, reported significant improvement with no adverse events.”
– JMPT, 2013
“For elderly people with chronic neck pain, “spinal manipulative therapy with home exercise resulted in greater pain reduction after twelve weeks of treatment compared to both supervised plus home exercise, and home exercise alone.”
– The Spine Journal, 2013
Some more references for neck pain studies and chiropractic: