A Strong Immune System Is Our Best Defence

mpic-1By now you may have worked out our chiropractic position on infection, the immune system, vaccination and antibiotics. There are plenty of dramatic headlines and media reports regarding swine flu that are designed to catch our eyes and play on our fears. While this sells newspapers and creates a dramatic story and attention for politicians and medical authorities, we question all the anxiety and worry this creates in those who don’t or can’t know the full picture (which is many of us). Please read our clinic handouts to get a broader perspective on the situation and please know that we do not take the current situation or our response to it lightly. As a  chiropractic patient you can be confident that your chiropractic adjustments are strengthening your immune system  –  science  clearly tells us this. Our advice is to observe but don’t absorb the common reactions and fears.  Don’t dwell on overly-dramatic outcomes that may never happen.  (remember SARS and bird flu?) FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear creates more fear.  Misery loves company.  Like attracts like.  These are Universal Laws and the only ones who may benefit from this are the media and the drug companies. Think about what you do want to attract into your life not what you don’t want. What we think about we bring about and what we concentrate on grows.  Success draws to itself more success.  Winning can become habitual and good health can also be addictive. Drs Carl and Stephanie Simonton in their book ‘Getting Well Again’ in the 1970’s achieved great success in helping cancer patients cure themselves by visualisation techniques.  The patients that recovered differed from those that did not  “in their attitude toward their disease and their positive stance toward life”.

Big Picture Approach to Back Pain for CAA Chiropractic Week 2009

The Chiropractors Association of Australia urges us toward prevention of back problems in its 2009 Chiropractic Week initiative, May 18-24. You may not see it on the TV as national chiropractic influence and resources can’t yet make chiropractic week a big media event.  However it is worth visiting the CAA website for good information & statistics, spinal care tips and advice. A special printout informs us that spinal problems are not to be ignored.  They won’t just go away & they need care.  A healthy lifestyle is key to a healthy spine, something our patients already know for sure! So the main points cover good posture, work position & ergonomics.  Regular exercise & no smoking (poisons and weakens body connective tissues).  Good nutrition & correction of all muscular and joint injuries to restore normal function.  Also mentioned are positive self-esteem: low self esteem can result in shallow breathing that results in poor posture leading to poor oxygenation of the muscles and ligaments – all major contributors to back pain.  For more info…


Hyperdome Clinic News

We welcome two new members to our team in Belinda and Hayley who have joined us to help provide optimal chiropractic corrective wellness care to all our loyal patients. Both Belinda and Hayley share our healing vision and are excited to be part of our team and get to know all of you as well as everything else they have to learn! The message of this month is to get busy getting healthy. Staying healthy is an ongoing process.  If you’re not moving forward then you will begin to slip backwards. To enhance your wellbeing 100% (at least!) then attend our next Advanced Healing Workshop on Wednesday 20th May.  These special workshops, held on the third Wednesday of each month, run for an hour and allow us to expand on topics and exercises vital for best results.  Booking is essential. The next topics are; (1) THE 5 BEST EXERCISES FOR A STRONG AND RESILIENT SPINE and (2) MEDITATION AND VISUALISATION FOR OPTIMAL IMMUNITY. We have been including patient definitions of subluxation in the past issues of this newsletter so here is a good one from the web that we particularly liked:  “A misalignment or malfunction of the spine that is less than a total dislocation, which affects the nervous system and its ability to correctly control or monitor the organs and tissues of the body. “

So How Can I Improve My Health and Results Even More?

Just as our bodies keep in good shape on a schedule of healthy food, regular exercise and regular chiropractic adjustments, science is telling us that our brains need stimulation to maintain their optimal functioning in terms of mental alertness, memory and problem solving. To help your brain activity we suggest getting a CD from the front desk on a topic you or your body may need some help with such as ‘5 steps to Ideal Posture’, and ‘Breathe for Optimal Wellbeing’.  Get up to date on exercise science with ‘The 10 best Exercises for the Spine & Body’. For a range of past Advanced Workshop topics please see the handout in the clinic or ask at the front desk.

Kid’s Health Improves With Regular Adjustments Care

mpic-2We have three active young children who have been receiving regular chiropractic adjustments for almost one year now. Our youngest, now three years of age, used to suffer with recurrent throat and middle ear infections. We would take medical advice and administer antibiotics, but since commencing treatment with Dr. John Swatland, we have avoided drugs and scheduled extra adjustments instead. Looking back, neither of us can think of a time when Jamie has had another bout of tonsillitis. It is difficult to say when the results of chiropractic became apparent for the older two, but it is clear their immune systems have gradually become more resilient. They seem to recover more quickly from winter cold and flu viruses.  In general they have become more healthy since we commenced their chiropractic regime.

Mathew & Alicia T.

A Strong Immune System is our Best Defence Against Viruses & Germs

Picture8The Great Swine Flu Swindle! Norman Cousins in his book ‘Anatomy of an Illness’ healed himself of a terminal disease by watching funny movies day after day and laughing himself well.Furthermore there is strong evidence that exposure to vaccines and antibiotics and other chemicals introduced into the bloodstream or body can cause a number of serious side effects, including death.Although there may be a time when radical medical intervention is necessary we believe that we must be vigilant by being informed and aware of the alternatives.  We can and must keep our bodies incredibly healthy by natural means, a positive outlook in life and regular chiropractic immune boosting adjustments. “Sow an action…reap a habit.  Sow a habit…reap a character.  Sow a character…reap a destiny.” The deeper your commitment, the more you will benefit from the chiropractic lifestyle, which is really the philosophy, art and science of  living well.